Run For Mental Health

Peterborough, ON

CMHA HKPR & YES Shelter for Youth & Families


CMHA HKPR will be donating a portion of Race Proceeds to The Youth Emergency Shelter (Y.E.S.)

Mission, Vision and Values
Mission To promote and support mental health recovery and wellness by working with individuals, families and community partners.
Vision Mentally healthy people living in an inclusive society free from stigma.
Values CMHA HKPR adheres to the following client-centred values adopted by CMHA Ontario:
Self-Determination: We support an individuals involvement in decisions that affect their life.
Diversity: We value diverse perspectives and the lived experience that all people bring.
Social Justice: We are committed to removing barriers and discrimination that impact quality of life, and supporting equitable access to resources, so that people can fully participate in society.
Creativity: We encourage innovative ideas and new ways of working that are responsive to the changing needs of our community.
Social Responsibility: We are environmentally responsible and committed to working in the public interest and for social good.
Integrity: We value honesty and ethical behaviour.
Respect: We honour and support the dignity of each individual.
Accountability: As a publicly funded charitable organization we are committed to using our funds as efficiently and effectively as possible and to being open to the highest standards of public scrutiny.

Mission Statement
YES works to reduce and prevent homelessness by providing shelter, education and transitional supports for youth and families in Peterborough and the Kawarthas.
Vision Statement
All youth and families in our community are supported to lead full and positive lives.

YES provides emergency shelter to youth and families in crisis. We serve roughly 250 new clients every year, in addition to many who have stayed at the shelter before. In addition to emergency housing, we offer support to youth and families through:


  • Longer term transitional housing at Abbott House
  • Assistance adapting to independent living through the Transitional Life Skills program
  • Alternative high school education at The Carriage House (in partnership with Kenner
  • Collegiate Vocational Institute and the KPRDSB) Vocational, educational and recreation programs (in partnership with other community services)
  • Assistance with housing and employment searches
  • An emergency food cupboard

The shelter is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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